Solistkoret UNG & conductor Grete Pedersen

Meet the talented singers in Solistkoret UNG

Young talents

Solistkoret UNG meets the award winning conductor Grete Pedersen for a concert with Olivier Messiaen's celebration of love, Cinq Rechants, and selected vocal pieces by the Swedish composer Karin Rehnquist.

Olivier Messiaen (1908 - 1992) is considered one of the leading composers of the 20th century. Cinq rechants from 1949 is the last part of the composer's love trilogy based on the story of Tristan and Isolde.

Messiaen viewed himself as "compositeur et rythmicien," underlining the importance rhythm played in his musical language. Cinq rechants composed in 1949, employs an elaborately developed rhythmic structure that is predominantly Hindu-influenced. The text, interspersed with syllables from Quechua (an Indian language of Peru) and Sanskrit, is a celebration of love written by Messiaen.

Solistkoret UNG

Solistkoret UNG will be formed of the future’s ensemble singers. After auditioning, 12 singers aged between 18-26 has been chosen as participants in this talent programme giving them unique educational opportunities together with professional musicians. Read more about the ensemble here.

Double concert

The same evening, after the concerts with Solistkoret UNG, The Norwegian Soloists' Choir will perform Argentinian folk music and Hanz Werner Henze's Orpehus behind the wire with conductor Alejandro Pance. It will be possible to buy discounted tickets for both concerts.


On this concerts you will get a discount with our benefit program

  • 30% discount on concert tickets for you and a friend
  • Seat reservation
  • The season's CD release with The Norwegian Soloists' Choir
  • The Norwegian Soloists' Choir's tote bag

Read more about the benefit program


Solistkoret UNG

Solistkoret UNG will be formed of the future’s ensemble singers. After auditioning, 12 singers aged between 18-26 has been chosen as participants in this talent programme giving them unique educational opportunities together with professional musicians. Solistkoret UNG is a multi-year initiative made possible by Talent Norge and Sparebankstiftelsen DNB.

Conductor Grete Pedersen

Since 1990 the choir has sung under the leadership of Grete Pedersen, one of the most renowned conductors in the international choral scene. She is a demanded guest conductor and has worked with the Eric Ericson Kammerchor, Schwedischen Rundfunkchor, Netherlands RadioChor, Netherlands Chamber Choir, Danish National Vocal Ensemble and Choir, Rundfunkchor Berlin, Pro Coro Canada, Tokyo Cantat, World Youth Choir among others.

Listen to Solistkoret