Video premiere!


Experience Johannes Brahms' magnificent Ein deutsches Requiem

Watch the video here

Performed by two internationally renowned soloists; Camilla Tilling and Markus Eiche, Ensemble Allegria, Det Norske Solistkor and Det Norske Blåseensemble, led by conductor Grete Pedersen.

The recording from the concert in Universitetets aula in November 2019 is now ready and we are very much looking forward to sharing it with you!

When can I watch?

Feel free to sit down at 7pm on Saturday April 11th and watch the concert with us. At a time when distances are great, it's comforting to think that we can be many watching together.

Where can i watch?

You can watch the concert on the Norwegian Soloists' Choir's YouTube channel from 7pm on Saturday April 11th.

Share your concert pictures with us

Feel free to share a video or picture when watching the concert with #detnorskesolistkor on all social media. It's good to know that you're watching :)


Listen to Solistkoret